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Choosing the right queue in Fortnite

Fortnite: Choosing The Right Queue

Publish Date: February 26, 2019

Ever since Fortnite overhauled public matches, players are storming through kills. Now that players are awarded health with each kill, pros and public players are inclined to push up against enemies more than ever before. With good players being rewarded by kills, it leaves the question of which mode to play. Kill records are on the rise and the high action gameplay is incredibly entertaining. Choosing the right queue is harder than ever before with lots of factors in each.


Choosing the right queue in Fortnite

Skully shotgunning an enemy jumping off a ramp // In-game capture by Nicholas Rivera

Solos is a game mode where players only have to fight one person at a time. Sometimes it can be more because of third parties, but it isn’t overwhelming. High kill games in solos are hard if the player lands too passively or does not rotate well. While they are not the easiest to win, solos are great practice. Players can work on winning one on one engagements and tournament prep. Scrim lobbies are great in solos since it provides real applications for tournaments and qualifiers Fortnite hosts from time to time. Solos also teach the player that there is no room for error. If the player messes up, makes a bad edit, or a bad call, it’s over.

Choosing the right queue in Fortnite

Nog Ops waiting for an enemy to drop down on her // In-game capture by Nicholas Rivera

Playing solo matches is the way to go if the player wants to get better. Learning tendencies of players during one on one engagements helps grow Fortnite IQ and deal with a lot of situations. In Scrim games, editing is huge late game and can be worked on easily in solos. Most people who play the playlist are not patient. Players who want to work on gameplay in tight quarters can box up and wait to be pushed during an engagement. This helps to work on lower pressure scenarios while also improving decision making on how to kill the enemy attacking. Repetition of gameplay like this will make those high-stress scenarios a little less stressful the next time around.


Choosing the right queue in Fortnite

Team splitting the enemies into separate one v ones // In-game capture by Nicholas Rivera

Playing duos alone is a little bit harder, but a lot more rewarding. After mastering how to deal with an enemy by themselves, duos is the next step up. Having the IQ from solos, it allows players to take care of enemies quickly and efficiently. This is done by creating separation and dealing with one enemy at a time. This way, the player is not overwhelmed by two people at once. Learning how to play two vs. one also helps to learn when to shoot and when to build. If a player does not shoot in between builds, the two enemies will likely overpower them. Shooting in between building and editing onto players is what will set that person above the rest.

Duos is also a very competitive playlist, so going for kill records is very exciting to watch. Seeing pros land at different locations and kill everyone in sight is something to behold. While lots of players cannot do this effectively, similar strategies can be done. Staying super close and offering support the entire game helps to wipe teams early on. This ensures that the players have materials and guns to make it through the game with no issues. These kinds of games are also great for content creators because it shows off high-level gameplay in high-stress situations. The ability to kill an enemy fast and rotate on to the next is hard to do consistently, especially since thirsting is so essential. Keeping both teammates alive the whole game is the key to those high kill games.


Squads is where the action happens. Lots of people find squads to be overwhelming or not fun if the entire team is not on the same page. Lately, players have been hitting the squads games by themselves or with one other person. Solo squads is easily the hardest feat in Fortnite, even with the health and shield per kill addition. A player needs to know how to approach a squad in a way they do not see coming. Downing enemies before approaching the squad makes a situation a little easier, but a three on one is still impressive to win. Pro players do this a lot because dropping a 40 bomb alone is an impressive feat. Pros like Turner “Tfue” Tenney and Faze Thiefs are always playing solo squads, chasing after the highest games possible.

Choosing the right queue in Fortnite

Skully fighting a squad inside a house // In-game capture by Nicholas Rivera

Lots of players look at them and think it’s impossible. Playing solo or duo squads is hard, but not quite as hard. These kinds of games are great for learning how to deal with a lot of pressure. In high-level games, even solos, players can get shot from anywhere. The maze of builds is difficult to maneuver and it’s even harder to keep track of players. The players who do well are the most composed and practice these high-stress situations over and over. Solo squads is perfect for that since it pushes four enemies onto the player, allowing them to take control of the situation. Playing slow and smart will help build up that decision making to better execute in higher stress games. Composure is what stops bad decisions and missed shots and edits.


Feature Image Courtesy of @_NicholasRivera

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