Fortnite brings big changes in its latest edition: Chapter 4 Season 3 “WILDS”. In this new season, players are able to enjoy a lot of new changes. Among these changes are three all-new points of interest, new weapons, new skins and the reintroduction of Raptors.
Fortnite took to Twitter to hype up the new update.
Creeky Compound is the name of one of the new locations. This new POI is located near the middle of the map and could become one of Fortnite’s new hottest drops. This location is a research facility like many of the ones that have been previously seen in Fortnite. A unique addition to this spot is the large cliff and waterfall that surrounds the compound.
Shady Stilts is another small location that Fortnite has added. This POI features many minimalistic wooden structures and huts. There are also some structures that lead directly into an all-new ravine. Fortnite has added “grind vines” that enable players to move quickly through this new location.
Rumble Ruins is the final POI that Fortnite has added this season. This location is the new temple that players were able to briefly see in the teaser videos that Fortnite released on Twitter. Players who drop here will be granted loot due to the large abundance of chests. There are also some secret areas that will contain loot, so keep your eyes peeled!
There are two ways that players are able to the Raptors in Fortnite. Tame a Raptor by jumping onto its back. Raptors are hostile and will attack until they have been tamed. If you do not find any Raptors in the wild, you can search until you find one of their eggs. The Raptors that emerge from eggs are automatically friendly.
The Cybertron Cannon is a mythical weapon that players can wield if they find it. This Transformers-inspired weapon is capable of dealing massive amounts of damage to both players and buildings.
The Thermal DMR is another weapon that players can now add to their arsenal. This weapon will be especially useful in the new update. It will allow players to spot others from long distances, even if they are hiding in bushes.
Stay tuned for more Fortnite News!
Featured image courtesy of Epic Games
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