Home » TGH LCS and LEC Fantasy Rankings

TGH LCS and LEC Fantasy Rankings

Publish Date: January 12, 2021

With many LCS and LEC Fantasy drafts happening this week, The Game Haus thought it would put together fantasy rankings to help drafters. This will go by both the LCS and LEC individually, together and will do the players based on positions. Hopefully, this will be the tool drafters can use to make sure they draft the best team possible.

*Note: These ranking are not necessarily on who is the better player overall but who will likely get the most points fantasy-wise and their value in the draft. Some better players may be ranked lower because they will not get as many fantasy points as the player above them.

[Related: 5 Tips for Drafting in Draftbuff for Fantasy League of Legends]

LCS Rankings by Position

The rankings are top to bottom.

Ssumday Santorin Perkz Tactical CoreJJ
Alphari Blaber Jensen Zven Vulcan
Licorice Closer PowerofEvil FBI huhi
Fudge Spica Jiizuke Lost SwordArt
Impact Broxah Damonte Johnsun IgNar
Huni Josedeodo Insanity WildTurtle Diamond
Finn Svenskeren Pobelter Raes aphromoo
FakeGod Dardoch Palafox Deftly Smoothie
Niles Xerxe Ablazeolive Neo Destiny
Revenge Iconic Soligo Stixxay Newbie

LCS Rankings Overall

1-25 25-50
Perkz Impact
Jensen Insanity
Tactical Raes
PowerofEvil Pobelter
Zven Huni
FBI Josedeodo
Santorin Diamond
Ssumday Finn
Blaber Svenskeren
CoreJJ Palafox
Lost Dardoch
Johnsun Deftly
Alphari Ablazeolive
Jiizuke Neo
Closer aphromoo
Vulcan Xerxe
Spica FakeGod
WildTurtle Stixxay
Damonte Smoothie
huhi Niles
Licorice Soligo
Fudge Destiny
SwordArt Newbie
Broxah Revenge
IgNar Iconic

LEC Rankings by Position

The rankings are top to bottom.

Wunder Selfmade Caps Rekkles Kaiser
Bwipo Gilius Larssen Carzzy Mikyx
Odoamne Jankos Humanoid Upset Limit
Broken Blade Inspired Abbedagge Hans Sama Hylissang
Armut Razork Nisqy Comp Labrov
Jenax Elyoya Milica Neon Vander
Szygenda TynX Vetheo Kobbe Treatz
Kryze Dan Czekolad Patrik Trymbi
Agresivoo Skeanz Nukeduck Jeskla promisq
HiRit Zanzarah Blue Jezu Tore
WhiteKnight denyk

LEC Rankings Overall

1-26 27-52
Caps Hylissang
Larssen Vetheo
Rekkles Labrov
Humanoid Czekolad
Selfmade Elyoya
Carzzy Patrik
Upset Nukeduck
Abbedagge Vander
Nisqy Jenax
Gilius Treatz
Hans Sama Jeskla
Wunder TynX
Jankos Szygenda
Milica Kryze
Bwipo Dan
Comp Trymbi
Kaiser Jezu
Mikyx promisq
Odoamne Tore
Inspired Skeanz
Neon Blue
Kobbe Agresivoo
Broken Blade HiRit
Limit denyk
Razork Zanzarah
Armut WhiteKnight

LCS and LEC Rankings Overall

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-102
Caps Kaiser Armut Kryze
Larssen Mikyx Hylissang Deftly
Perkz Odoamne Vetheo Ablazeolive
Rekkles Inspired Impact Neo
Jensen CoreJJ Labrov aphromoo
Tactical Lost Czekolad Xerxe
Humanoid Neon Elyoya Dan
PowerofEvil Johnsun Patrik Trymbi
Selfmade Alphari Nukeduck Jezu
Carzzy Jiizuke Vander promisq
Upset Closer Insanity Tore
Abbedagge Vulcan Raes Skeanz
Zven Spica Pobelter Blue
FBI Kobbe Huni FakeGod
Santorin Broken Blade Josedeodo Stixxay
Nisqy WildTurtle Diamond Smoothie
Gilius Damonte Finn Agresivoo
Hans Sama huhi Svenskeren HiRit
Wunder Licorice Palafox denyk
Jankos Fudge Dardoch Niles
Ssumday SwordArt Jenax Soligo
Blaber Broxah Treatz Zanzarah
Milica IgNar Jeskla Destiny
Bwipo Limit TynX WhiteKnight
Comp Razork Szygenda Newbie

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