The annual Tyler1 World Championship Series (TCS) came to an action-packed finale this weekend. Sixteen teams faced off on the rift for the title of TCS World Champions. In the end, finalists MLGB and the Stream Dream Team (SDT) loaded in to win the $10,000 prize. With so much on the line, these teams left it all on the rift. From game-saving plays to nail-biting base rushes, the TCS finals had it all. Let’s take a look at the best plays and biggest carries from this weekend’s championship match.
Credits: Jeremy Wacker’s Flickr
Game 1 started as an uphill road for the Stream Dream Team. LCS veteran Marcus “Dyrus” Hill found himself constantly on the back-foot against opposing jungler, MLGB‘s Metaphor. Dyrus fell two levels behind Metaphor early, giving MLGB the freedom to dictate the map. Metaphor chose to go full carry with a “Nocturne” pick, rushing both the “Warrior” enchantment and a “Duskblade of Draktharr.” Metaphor turned his attention on the SDT bottom lane. Time and again, Metaphor used his ultimate, Paranoia, to delete Michael “Imaqtpie” Santana’s “Ezreal.” This constant pressure forced Imaqtpie onto a highly defensive build, first-buying “Ninja Tabi’s” followed by an “Iceborn Gauntlet.”
The Stream Dream Team faced a 4.3K gold deficit at 20 minutes. MLGB took their lead and used it to establish Baron control. At 28 minutes, MLGB seized a window of time in which Dyrus was returning from base, and secured the Baron despite a hard-fought engage by William “Scarra” Li’s “Leona.” Although they lost the Baron, SDT were adamant about taking the fight. SDT‘s top-laner Joedat “Voyboy” Esfahani rammed into the MLGB back-line, taking on three members by himself before falling. After dropping Voyboy, MLGB were in full retreat, but SDT wanted no survivors. Scarra and Dyrus chased down the enemy carries and cleaned up a four for one fight.
The tides turned against MLGB. Their composition began to lose teamfight power in the late game. At 28 minutes, MLGB looked to find a pick onto Voyboy near the red team’s bottom inner tower. After landing some hard CC onto Voyboy’s “Vladimir,” MLGB blew several key ultimate’s trying to finish him off. Still, Voyboy bought enough time for his team to converge. With the teamfight advantage, SDT‘s mid-laner, Danny “Shiphtur” Le, found a five-man Emperor’s Divide to demolish the teamfight. MLGB never recovered, as their opponents slowly wrested control of Game 1.
MLGB stood on the brink of elimination. But they looked determined to put on a clinic in Game 2. With Voyboy on a questionable “Yorick” pick, MLGB‘s top-jungle duo pitched a tent top lane. After a level two gank from Metaphor’s “Sejuani,” Voyboy found himself at an early deficit. Rather than letting up, Metaphor repeatedly slammed top lane. MLGB “Blade” commanded a two level lead for much of the early game. Blade used this lead to make multiple visits toward the bottom lane, extending his advantages across the map.
With Dyrus, once again, straggling behind Metaphor’s jungle pressure, SDT lacked vision control around Baron. At 21 minutes, MLGB chunked out Scarra’s “Tahm Kench” and withdrew toward Baron. Assuming Scarra would return to base and SDT would not risk a four-versus-five teamfight, MLGB started Baron with little caution. Shiphtur, determined to carry his teammates to the promised land, found a miracle steal that kept his team in the game.
Surging from that steal, SDT ran some high-risk rotations. Sending Dyrus’s “Shyvana” topside and Voyboy’s “Yorick” bottom, SDT created two lanes of side pressure. The dicey 1-3-1 strategy paid off at first. MLGB scrambled to answer the dual pushes, losing four towers and an inhibitor. In one fell swoop, SDT cracked open the enemy base, losing only one tower and a few kills. But, SDT began to over-emphasize this split-push style. At 30 minutes, SDT faced a Baron-empowered MLGB, and their options were limited. In an act of desperation, Voyboy teleported top lane to rush the enemy base. SDT‘s remaining members flung themselves at MLGB, trying to stop their backs. Voyboy managed to collapse both Nexus turrets before MLGB arrived to deliver a swift execution. The base rush failed.
Ten-thousand dollars on the line. Who would take home the Tyler1 World Championship? Hungry to take home the title, the Stream Dream Team came out swinging. Voyboy picked “Vayne” top in a raging attempt to pick apart Blade’s “Ornn.” At first, Dyrus and Voyboy looked to finally create meaningful top pressure. But, after Metaphor’s “Evelynn” reached level six, the game broke wide open. Metaphor rained down on SDT‘s bottom lane like thunder. Scarra suffered the brunt of the damage. Still, the focus set Imaqtpie further behind the TailsJJ‘s “Ezreal,” who slowly took over.
The game began to unravel for SDT post-15 minutes. MLGB punished Voyboy’s greedy split pushing time and again. Suddenly, SDT‘s teamfight ability fell apart. Without leads on their carries, SDT could not deal enough damage onto the enemy front line. Teamfights were impossible and their only split-pusher was too weak to safely create side pressure. MLGB cut out every option for victory and closed out the series with a dominating 18-3 kill scoreboard.
The dream was lost. MLGB won the Tyler1 World Championship to make their mark on history. As Tyler’s confetti rained down on stream, the Stream Dream Team were left to silence. The championship was so nearly within their grasp. Could this crushing defeat mark the end of an era for SDT? Had Dyrus back-stabbed QT one too many times? With NA preseason roster changes all up in the air, the fate of this veteran squad is as unpredictable as Voyboy’s champion pool. Joking aside, the Tyler1 World Championships gave viewers a fantastic show. MLGB and SDT put up a series that was both exciting and entertaining. It will be great to see these players face off in future tournaments.
Featured Image: LoL Esports Flickr
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