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Overwatch update

Overwatch update: Mercy and Lucio

Publish Date: October 18, 2017

There was an Overwatch update yesterday that brought the dreaded Mercy changes as well as a tweak to Lucio.

For all of the patch notes click here.

Overwatch update: Mercy still a must pick

If you were hoping that these changes would lower Mercy’s pick rate, think again. All this change did was remove one step of the process for her burst resurrecting.

Video: Mercy Gameplay: New Resurrect

Mercy Gameplay: New Resurrect

Mercy will still be able to Rez at least two people at once with all the perks of Valkyrie on top of that. Don’t get us wrong, this is definitely an improvement over the Resurrect reset before, yet it doesn’t change the fact that Mercy’s current kit is too good to pass up.

Mercy also had another change in this patch. Thankfully this one has nothing to do with Valkyrie and Resurrect. The change is an extended glide added to Guardian Angel. With it, players can use jump while using Guardian Angel to slingshot off her target or to get to targets faster.

Video: Mercy Gameplay: Glide Boost

Mercy Gameplay: Glide Boost

We think that this is a fun addition to her kit that lends her more survivability. Though more survivability for Mercy means more headaches for DPS trying to kill her.

Speaking of survivability let’s look at the change to Lucio.

Overwatch Update: Wall ride boost

The speed boost Lucio receives after ending a wall ride has been increased by 65%. This was done as a way to compensate for the loss of speed wall ride suffered due to a recent bug fix. And boy, Lucio sure feels faster coming out of wall rides.

Video: Lúcio Gameplay: Wall Ride change

Lúcio Gameplay: Wall Ride change

The boost will definitely let Lucio cover ground (walls?) faster and give him just a bit more survivability.

That’s it for the recent update (hopefully the last one to feature Mercy for a while). The next patch will probably occur next month sometime after Blizzcon and the Overwatch World Cup, and we’ll be here to break down those changes for you.

Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment

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