Recently players have been over the moon with all the announcements regarding Overwatch 2. With the news on battle passes, new heroes, new maps and an overall new lease on life, Overwatch fans cannot believe they are getting so much in such a small window. The Overwatch 2 Open Beta is set to start on June 28, but people may have missed the Overwatch 2 Open Beta end date. Sadly all good things come to an end, and the Overwatch 2 Open Beta end date is set for July 18.
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Once again, the Open Beta is only going to be around for a short amount of time. Overwatch 2 is still very much in development at the moment, and the beta serves as an excellent time to iron out the last few things before October. This iteration of the beta should surely have plenty of new gadgets and gizmos that the developers need players to test out. The beta is important for developer feedback, and the first round of beta players had plenty to say.
Next Overwatch 2 Beta
In this beta, players will surely be looking to lock in Junker Queen at every moment. The latest tank looks to be a playmaking machine with a lot of potential to even take over a game. Junker Queen seems a bit similar to Roadhog in the ability to single out targets and burst them down with a high damage shotgun. With plenty of utilize along with her damage, Junker Queen could be a force in competitive matches.
Featured image courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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