The next Overwatch 2 Hero will be coming soon. Until recently all that was known about the next hero was that they were likely female and had something to do with the Kanezaka Fox. Now after a potential leak of the name Kiriko, an unfinished trailer for the hero may have just leaked. Here is the latest on the potential leak of the new Overwatch 2 Support, Kiriko including her release date.
[Related: What is the Overwatch 2 Season 1 Start Date?]
Players and fans can find the leak below.
This is easily one of the biggest leaks that have ever happened for Overwatch. While character names and occasionally abilities may leak, for an entire trailer to leak, it may have never happened for Overwatch like this.
The trailer shows Kiriko meeting up with her neighbor and his granddaughter. It shows her kind nature along with her abilities being shown once she has to get into action. She lights up and is the teal color of fox that had been shown in a recent trailer. It seems as though she opens up a sort of spirit gate that gives her powers.
In terms of abilities, it looks as though she has the gate, along with the fox and a blink or dash of some sort. It also looks as though she may be a melee character but the rumors will be that she may be throwing kunai instead. But the way she kicked the ass of the bad guys in her trailer, she can more than handle herself.
Interestingly her gates seem to revive or at least give her allies some sort of powers and strength as well. She will definitely be a crowd favorite, at least from the looks of her.
The Overwatch 2 Kiriko release date will be on October 4 with the official release of the game.
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“From Our Haus to Yours”
“Only Doomfist is in current overwatch”.
Are you forgetting Reinhardt and Brigitte? Who are arguably *MORE* melee than Doomfist, considering Doom’s leftclick is a multi-shot ranged attack?