The next Overwatch 2 Hero will be coming soon. Until recently all that was known about the next hero was that they were likely female and had something to do with the Kanezaka Fox. After a potential leak of the name Kiriko, an unfinished trailer for the hero leaked as well. This sent the Overwatch team into action and they officially revealed Kiriko. Here is a look at the Overwatch 2 Kiriko Abilities.
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Below is a list of all of the Overwatch 2 Kiriko Abilities.
Protection Suzu
“Upon impact, allies in the area become briefly invulnerable and are cleansed of most negative effects.”
“Thrown projectile that deals increased critical damage.”
Swift Step
“Teleport directly to an ally, even through walls.”
Healing Ofuda
“Channel a burst of healing talismans that can seek targeted Allies.”
Wall Climb (Passive)
“Jump at walls to climb up them.”
Kitsune Rush (Ultimate)
“Summon a Fox Spirit that rushes forward, accelerating the movement, attack speed, and cooldowns of allies that follow its path.”
There is no doubt that Kiriko will be a very interesting support for Overwatch. The first one added since Baptiste all the way back in February of 2019. Kiriko is much more of an enchanter support in a variety of ways. She has healing, invulnerability and what is really unique is that she can effect cooldowns. With her ability to teleport as well she can zip in and out of fights to help heal her allies. Look for Kiriko to instantly become a part of the meta.
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