During Blizzcon 2023 tons of new information was given out to players including a new gameplay video showcasing the new tank hero Mauga. Not only that, but information regarding a new Support Hero, Damage Hero, and a new map called Hanaoka was released for Clash. In addition to this, a new game mode called Clash is currently coming to Overtwatch 2 sometime in the near future.
RELATED: Overwatch 2 Mauga Abilities
Not a lot of information was given on the new Overwatch 2 game mode Clash. For the most part, the game mode itself appears to be a tug-of-war type of game mode that pits players against each other in terms of gaining territory. It will feature five Capture Points as players will compete across the map to either capture all five points or reach the max score. Other than that there isn’t much known about it.
As Blizzcon continues, it’s likely that more information on Clash will be released in the future. With everything that was revealed during the presentation, more of what’s to come for Overwatch 2 in 2024 will be discussed at 1:30pm PT during the What’s Next Panel at Blizzcon. So stay tuned for updates regarding Clash and more.
The Overwatch 2 Mauga Release Date will be with Overwatch 2 Season 8 on December 5, 2023. However, this weekend only players will be able to play as Mauga not only at Blizzcon but for Overwatch 2 players everywhere. He can be assessed during Quick Play matches only, not competitive. Until the official release, players can get a feel for how Mauga works as a Tank hero. Players can play Mauga until November 5.
Stay tuned for more gaming content, including updates to Overwatch 2 and newly released titles.
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