The Overwatch World Cup is back this year bringing in another set of items that players can earn. Overwatch 2 fans who choose to watch the OW World Cup on eligible participating Twitch platforms will be able to earn a variety of cosmetic items for not only characters but also their profile. For those who don’t know, The Overwatch World Cup will feature 16 teams that have been split into 4 groups and will compete in a round-robin gauntlet to determine the 8 teams advancing to the finals bracket taking place at BlizzCon. Some Twitch streamers that are confirmed to be participating in the festivities are Emongg, Flats, and Jay3.
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Here are all of the Twitch Drop items that you can earn just by watching the Overwatch World Cup. Listed are also the amount of time needed in order to obtain the items. The days the rewards will be active are shown too. Before watching it’s important to link your Blizzard account to your Twitch account.
Stay tuned for more gaming content, including updates to Overwatch 2 and newly released titles.
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