With the Overwatch 2 Beta only a week away, the Overwatch team has slowly unveiled new characters for the upcoming game. Last week players watched a Q&A session on Sojourn, followed by a short Developer Update that highlighted her abilites and play style. Out of the blue, players received another update to one of the games most problematic characters. Shortly after the reveal of Doomfist’s rework on Wednesday April 20, the Overwatch Twitter account unveiled the new Orisa Overwatch 2 rework. Orisa in her current state has always been tricky to balance, and now the Overwatch devs have a chance to right their past wrongs with Orisa 2.0. Here is a look at the Orisa Rework Abilities.
[Related: Doomfist Overwatch 2 Rework Officially Revealed]
Orisa’s Overwatch 2 kit is aiming to completely revamp the bunker-style tank. No longer will she stay behind a shield and fire away, Orisa will need to step up and hold the front line.
Augmented Fusion Driver
Energy Javelin
Javelin Spin
New Ultimate: Terra Surge
Orisa is trading in her shield for a fancy new javelin. Players are sure to enjoy the more proactive version of Orisa in Overwatch 2. At least, throwing a giant spear at enemies is sure to create some laughs during the game.
Players can try out the brand new Orisa Rework Abilities on April 26 when the Overwatch 2 Beta is live.
Featured image courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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