After many years of speculation, the Junker Queen is making her way to Overwatch and more specifically, Overwatch 2. She was revealed in a trailer during the Xbox Showcase at Summer Games Fest. She will be a tank and her abilities were shown a bit in the game. With that, here is a look at the Junker Queen Abilities in Overwatch 2.
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Below is the official release of the Junker Queen Abilities. There are very similar to what was leaked.
In the videos below, fans can get a better idea of who the Junker Queen is.
With these videos, Junker Queen was finally revealed, but abilities were not. That said there was a leak just a few months ago that revealed not only the Queen herself but also her abilities. Considering what has been shown, these abilities are likely correct or very close. Here is what has been leaked so far.
Remember that until these are just leaks and rumors. Until the dev team reveals anything, nothing shown below is official. Once it is released, this will be updated with the official abilities.
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