Home » Here is Who Will Be Participating in Pokimane’s TFT Thursday

Here is Who Will Be Participating in Pokimane’s TFT Thursday

Publish Date: July 4, 2019

TeamFight Tactics is have a fun July 4 tournament, hosted by Pokimane. The game, which was pushed through to catch up to its older sister, what has become DOTA Underlords, has taken the gaming scene by storm. TFT will frustrate players with its RNG but will provide unparalleled euphoria when hitting the 3rd Draven, Swain, Pyke, or any other overpowered champion to complete a composition. All of the sudden, 40-minutes will flash by, or, 10-minutes of failure will suddenly come crashing down and queuing up for another game will be the only option.

Pokimane has done everyone in the Esports scene a great service by hosting this 4th of July TFT tournament. Play it while watching it on another monitor or just watch it with family and friends on this American holiday. Either way, it’ll be a great time. Below is a brief write up of each of the participants within the tournament. Feel free to check out their streams via the links below as well as TGH’s tier lists for items, champions, and the latest patch notes. 

Here is a link for the Stream.

Riot KobeFormer professional League of Legends player and now NA LCS caster. Kobe has been playing and casting League of Legends for a long time. With TFT coming out he played in the Riot produced showmatch and has expressed that he would love to cast and be more involved with it. Their stream here.


TheeMarkZ – Similar to Kobe, he has been around the League of Legends scene as a caster and analyst for a very long time. He did some work for Team Liquid for a little while but has mostly been known for casting. Mark was a part of the casting team for the TFT showcase. Their stream here.


Pokimane – The master wrangler of this tournament, Pokimane has been a stalwart streamer for several years. Now she will play any game that suits her. She will be the host of this tournament. Their stream here.


DisguisedToast – A Canadian streamer who became a top tier Hearthstone player has one of the largest stream’s in the TFT scene. He has been in the gaming scene since 2015 and looks to further his success in TFT. Their stream here.


ScarraCurrently known for his Twitch channel and as one of the top known TFT players (since ranked does not exist yet). He was once a pro-League of Legends player, primarily playing mid for Team Dignitas from 2013-2014 and then moved over to a coaching role for Dig and later CLG. Their stream here.


itsHafu – The penguin lover and former professional World of Warcraft player and Hearthstone player brings her talents to TFT. During beta, she was the highest ranked player. Let’s see if she can take down her significant other, DogDog. Their stream here.


DogDog – A professional Hearthstone player for Team Liquid and recent victor of the Hearthstone Master’s Tour. He has shown his aptitude for TFT on his stream of late. He is the worse half or better half of Hafu, you decide. Their stream here.


TidesofTime –  A top tier Hearthstone player for many years, he has found success in both DOTA Underlords and TFT. He won the first TFT streamer cash tournament a few weeks ago, let’s see if he can continue his success. Their stream here.


AMAZ – He began streaming in 2013 and fell into Hearthstone where he became one of the most prominent streamers within the space. After playing for Liquid and Archon, he now plays Hearthstone professionally for NRG Esports. Their stream here.


Trick2GKnown for streaming, making interesting YouTube videos and being the owner of Team Gates. He mainly has played Nasus and Udyr in the jungle no matter the meta, trying insane builds on them and telling many “later”. Their stream here.


DyrusA core tenant to TSM’s multiple LCS championships while playing as their top laner. He also streams on and off. Recently, he went back to the LCS studios for the first time in years to play in a showmatch for NA Rift Rivals. Their stream here.


Reckful – One of the most successful World of Warcraft PVP players from 2009 – 2011 who then shifted into Hearthstone in 2013. Since then he has become a devoted streamer of most any game he finds interest in. Their stream here.


YassuoKnown League of Legends streamer for CLG. He plays at a high tier level, normally near the top in challenger and has been known for playing high skill champions like Riven. Like many others on this list he has spent a lot of time testing out and playing TFT. Their stream here.


BoxBox – Once thought as only a Riven one-trick on League of Legends, he earned a substitute roster spot temporarily on Velocity eSports. Upon his retirement from League of Legends, he became an active streamer. Their stream here.


ShiphturHe played Mid Lane and Support for Dignitas, Apex Gaming, and others in the LCS for a few years. Then he moved over to mostly streaming and is known as one of the big streamers of League of Legends, within this tournament field, along with Yassuo, Dyrus and Scarra. Their stream here.


AriaSaki – Avid cosplayer who will stream gaming as well as her putting together her outfits. She will constantly wear unique outfits and has played TFT since its release. Their stream here.


Forsen – His gaming history started off in the professional Starcraft world, where he played Zerg. He shifted into Hearthstone and is an avid player within the professional scene. Their stream here.


Mizkif – General gaming streamer and in his recent announcement about the tournament entry, he has self-proclaimed himself zero chance of beating anyone “except maybe Forsen”. We will see how his hardcore training session will change his forecasted outcome. Their stream here.


Becca – General gaming streamer and friend of many of the streamers within the tournament field. She has played TFT since the inception of the game after transitioning from DOTA Underlords. Their stream here.

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