The rostermania before Major 4 might make for a great major just before COD Champs. Many teams are looking to solidify their position for the Championship in Los Angeles. This is the case as it currently is CDL Rostermania madness before Major 4 qualifying.
The Royal Ravens look to provide huge change for themselves and the league as Gismo returns to the squad in order to make their final push into qualifying for COD Champs. “Joey the G” looks to return with a bang in order to help his team get to Champs. With his fast pace of play and gunny, the 4th placed London Royal Ravens look to improve on their chances of winning their first championship.
Florida is making huge moves by benching Davpadie, who, in turn, has been a very controversial player as he is known to play at a high level only for himself, aka stat-padding. Along with Davpadie, they also benched Vivid as well to see if they could get Asim, however, that is not happening. They are looking to add to Owakening, Skyz, and Yeez to see if they can make a push to COD Champs.
Times have been hard for LAG, however, things are maybe looking brighter. They recently benched Asim and Gunless. They brought back Spart from the bench and signed Neptune, formerly of the New York Subliners. Could this be the thing that LAG needs to get to COD Champs and turn heads?
This team is more than chalked. But now, as they look into their future, they look to test out players to see what can work with Temp as a whole. John recently got dropped from the team for Johnny of challengers.
Along with the teams, there are also possible Challenger players on the move as well. Players like Majormaniak and Clayster could be on the move to shake things up within the league for next year. Maybe even this year.
Overall, this could be huge for the competition within the league. The first three teams are in. Those being Atlanta, OpTic, and Surge. However, for the rest of the league(besides Paris), the last five spots are up for grabs to see who gets to go to COD Champs in Los Angeles.
Featured Image Courtesy of the Call of Duty League
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