Major 2 in Minnesota is finally upon us. With that, it will be a very interesting play when it comes to the Call of Duty League. However, the league will not be the only thing everyone will be paying attention to. There will also be Challengers to watch as well. So, here are some CDL Major 2 Challengers Tournament Predictions.
By far, it will be Texas Nation. As of now, they are the best North American team in the game. It will be interesting to see Havok play in the tournament where the team, New York, he was supposed to be on is present as well. One question is there, can General and the boys win another trophy, this time, on LAN?
This team will be very interesting to watch considering they are one of the best teams in Europe. However, they never really played any of the other regions. So it will be interesting to see how good they do against really good opponents. Considering their last blunder, can this Academy have better placement than their own first team?
It is the return of the greatest Asian-Pacific team in history. However, they will have to look out for their Asian rivals in Renegades. It will be interesting to see how Nimble and the company fare against talent from all other regions. If you look at their placements, do not be surprised if they have a good run.
The reason there are two teams is quite simple they are the two best teams in Latin America. Which is a region where it truly is unknown how good they are. If any of these two teams can show out, it could mean great things for the region. This is why these are two teams people need to watch.
All eyes will be on Havok. If he does not win, it is a bust. The fact that he turned down a pro spot in the league with New York truly says it all. If he indeed wins and plays well, he will prove everyone wrong yet again. However, if he does not show up, and New York does, it will make him look like a fool. This is definitely a possibility considering how good New York has been playing as of late.
Overall, Challengers is going to be really interesting to watch due to the fact that all regions will be involved. The community will truly see how good each region and teams are. There will be flashes from players that many do not know or have ever heard of. Which makes challengers so great. It might be just as exciting as the actual major itself.
Featured Image Courtesy of the Call of Duty League
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