Over the past couple of years, Warzone has received a whole bunch of updates and patches. It really made me think. What if they treated Blackout with the same care and affection. That is the sole reason as to why it begs the question if the games are both treated the same way by Activision. Which do you prefer, Call of Duty Warzone or Blackout?
It is the creation that Black Ops developer, Treyarch, made as to the first-ever battle royale in the storied Call of Duty Franchise. Blackout was really great to see that the franchise was adapting to what was being played around them in Fortnite and PUBG. The game itself is highly regarded by many streamers as they prefer it over the current battle royale, Warzone.
Warzone was the second iteration, the Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward, and Raven Software version of a Call of Duty Battle Royale game. It was released right after Blackout was introduced in 2019 and we have had it ever since. Many Warzone streamers are moving to other games, however, due to the many issues that it has. But, regardless, could it be better than Blackout?
As it comes to a consensus, I believe it is all about preference. Both are extremely important in building the Call of Duty community as a lot of young people can play Warzone as it is free to play. While Blackout was important in bringing another element in Call of Duty as a whole. It makes you wonder what would have happened if Blackout continued and we never had Warzone? Would it have made Call of Duty more, the same, or less popular?
One can argue how unfortunate to think about it as Warzone recieves so much love a lot more than its actual games it releases like Modern Warfare, Cold War, and now, Vanguard. It’s one of the reasons why many streamers and pros dislike Warzone as a whole as it is made for fun, not competitive. You could also argue that since there is prevalent cheating, it could also push a lot of players away from playing Warzone as well.
Featured Image Courtesy of Call of Duty & FrozenFrost
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“From Our Haus to Yours“
How is loadouts a pro?! That completely destroys the battle royal aspect. It’s a con to have loadouts. Cod Completely ruined it