This year of challengers is one of the most exciting when it comes to the amateur/amateur-pro scene. It is something that many within the Call of Duty community have been hoping for. Here are some Call of Duty Challengers Power Rankings for all regions by SOR (Strength of Region).
Rank – Team – Highest Placement(s)
#1 SkullCracker Gaming – WINNERS (3)
#2 Masters Ecuador – WINNERS (2)
#3 Team Smog – Winners (1)
#4 4LF4 Team – Top 6 (2)
#5 BEN$A – 4th (2)
#6 Virtue Gaming – 4th (1)
This region is one of the up-and-coming regions in the world that is beginning to show a lot of promise. The top team in the region, SkullCracker is truly playing lights out after a slower start with outstanding talent in DJ and Lucho. The Amazing Argentinian, Lucho, is one of those bright young stars in the region that is showing a lot of promise. The second and third-placed teams are also playing at a very high level as Masters Ecuador are proving to be a great team with Vitin and Dylan leading the way.
Rank – Team – Highest Placement(s)
#1 Renegades – WINNER (3)
#2 Rawr Meow Purr – WINNER (1)
#3 Demons – WINNER (1)
This is definitely a growing region as it is the third-best region in the league. It houses great talent with a lot of talented teams. However, it really is a three-team race. It is really between Fighta and Louqa’s squad in Renegades, Nimble and Crimzah’s squad in RMP, and Immense and CronosKun’s Demons.
Rank – Team – Highest Placement(s)
#1 ROKKR Academy – WINNERS (5)
#2 Toronto Academy EU – WINNERS (1)
#3 Sukrys Bakery – 2nd (1)
#4 Revenge Tour – WINNERS (2)
#5 The Originals – 3rd (3)
#6 Vengeance – 4th (3)
#7 DOGE Nation – 3rd (1)
#8 Clutch Rayne Esports – Top 16 (5)
This is the second-best region when it comes to all of Call of Duty Challengers. It has a lot of talent in this region and a lot of teams within this region play at a high level. Teams ROKKR and Ultra even invested in getting Academy teams for their organizations due to how hot the EU scene has been when it comes to talent. Who knows, there might be another Afro, Nastie, and Gismo out there in the EU.
Rank – Team – Highest Placement(s)
#1 Texas Nation – WINNERS (5)
#2 Infamous Esports – WINNERS (1)
#3 UYU – 2nd (1)
#4 Trash Bros – 3rd (1)
#5 Team War – 2nd (1)
#6 Whatever it Takes – 3rd (1)
#7 Toronto Academy NA – 3rd (1)
#8 Bear Claw Gaming – 8th (2)
It really is the Texas Nation show, which is essentially OpTic Texas’ unofficial academy team. General and company are having their way in the NA Challengers scene as they have already won five straight tournaments in a row. However, they are facing tough opponents like UTU, Bear Claw Gaming, and this new Stallions squad that was created in regards to Zoomma.
Overall, all the regions with Challengers are ones to watch as they are all filled with talented teams and players. In part, things are looking up for the future of the league. There might even be a time when we can see a team from Australia, Argentina, or even Japan. All in all, it looks very exciting for the CDL’s “Division 2”.
Featured Image Courtesy of the Call of Duty League
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