It’s that time of year again. Call of Duty WWII, the latest iteration of the popular video game series, was showcased at E3.
E3 is the video game industry’s primary retail expo. The biggest publishers in the world come to Los Angeles to showcase the latest games, making E3 a gamer’s paradise. In Sony’s special event, Call of Duty WWII multiplayer was revealed alongside other major projects like Destiny 2, God of War, and Skyrim VR.
The WWII trailer was short but sweet. It mixed multiplayer gameplay with cinematic effects that displayed chaos at every turn – about as true to WWII as you can get.
It’s been nine years since players have entered a WWII battlefield in the Call of Duty franchise. World at War brought us to the Pacific theater while WWII seems to be focused on the European Axis vs Allies fight.
After the game’s initial reveal, TGH made a few simple predictions about the game, one of which involved interactive maps. The multiplayer trailer, with explosions everywhere and airplanes flying in the sky, seemed to confirm that prediction. Also seen was a variety of different weapons, including the classic M1 Garand and the MP 40. At one point a soldier swept the trenches with a flamethrower, which will likely be obtained via scorestreak.
Call of Duty WWII not only puts boots back on the ground, it brings the franchise back to its gritty, brutal roots.
Watch the trailer for yourself and let us know what you think about Call of Duty WWII!
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Image: Call of Duty