I sat down to talk with Jurassiq about the 2018 Spring Split. We spoke about his professional debut in the Academy League, the good and bad of working with Golden Guardians as an organization, how the Academy and LCS teams bonded and what his future holds. Jurassiq comes across as a hard-working, kind, intelligent teammate. Playing professional League of Legends is clearly his dream, and Jurassiq is trying to continue his growth this mid-season. The full interview is below.
.beRecently, Golden Guardians stepped into the spotlight by announcing the first official roster changes of the NA LCS mid-season. On their Youtube channel and in a Blitz Esports interview, Hunter Leigh, Golden Guardians’ head of esports, explained all of their moves. They replaced Hai with Team Liquid Academy’s Mickey in the mid lane. Meanwhile, Lourlo, Contractz, Deftly and Matt remain starters for the organization, and Tyler Perron remains as head coach.
Before these LCS updates became available, Jurassiq and Jenkins announced their free agency, after being released from Golden Guardians’ Academy team. OpTic’s Zig and free agents Benji (formerly LOD) and Sheep join the roster for Summer Split. Xpecial is moving to an assistant coach position, while Potluck and Bobqin remain signed for Academy.
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