Vayne is an absolute menace in the new League of Legends 2v2 Arena mode. She has incredible damage and mobility, which allow her to dual very well against various foes. But she is definitely not the easiest to play — from building her properly, understanding which augments to take, and knowing which champions she doesn’t play well against, Vayne takes a strong understanding to master in the new League of Legends Arena mode.
Target bans
- Teemo
- Heimerdinger
- Shaco
To start off, know which champions to ban during champion select. The prime ban for Vayne would definitely have to be Teemo, who is also a menace in the League of Legends 2v2 game mode. Teemo’s blind makes Vayne practically unplayable, since she relies solely on auto attacks to deal damage.
In addition, Teemo himself generally super strong in the mode. His shroom control and invisibility allow him to take opponents off guard. And when playing Vayne, you definitely want to be on guard all the time, aware of all the potential threats. Invisible Teemo shrooms that slow and deal insane damage simply aren’t the best to play against as Vayne.
For Heimerdinger and Shaco, they’re typically permabanned anyway. Therefore, just wait it out in champion select. Someone else is likely to ban the champions anyway.

Team synergy
Vayne plays incredibly well with Alistar. This is a prime duo, since Alistar helps keep enemies off of Vayne, while Vayne just shreds through the enemy. But outside of Alistar and Taric, who is usually permabanned, Vayne is honestly pretty independent of team composition.
Pure mechanics and skill almost always grant Vayne proper skill expression, and thereby victory.
Item build
- Best: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Blade of the Ruined King, Berserker’s Grieves
- Situational: Randuin’s Omen, Phantom Dancer, Spirit Visage, Thornmail, Wit’s End, Spear of Shojin, Guardian Angel
Guinsoo’s Rageblade is an absolute necessity on Vayne in the 2v2 game mode. Not building this item on Vayne is criminal, as it provides insane utility, and highlights Vayne’s strengths. Rush Guinsoo’s Rageblade first, of course buying Guardian Hammer as a starter item and boots thereafter.
Typically, players will want to buy Berserker’s Grieves as their boots — but there are other options. If the enemy is primarily AP, building Mercury’s Treads is actually pretty value. On the flip side, building Plated Steelcaps against primarily AD opponents is great as well. More on why this works later.
After Guinsoo’s, build Blade of the Ruined King. This is because it grants great attack speed and a solid base of lifesteal — buying crit items from here on is a bit of a waste, since RageBlade negates all crits on Vayne anyhow.
Tank Vayne is the way
After the solid two items, start building tank. This can be Randuin’s Omen, Spirit Visage, Thornmail, etc. The specific tank item depends on the enemy’s team compositions. More on why this works during the augment sections

Augments to get
Shiny Tier
- Best: Can’t touch this, Symphony of War
- Good: Zhonya’s Epiphany, Tap Dancer, Mystic Punch
There are multiple augments that work excellently on Vayne. One of the best ones is definitely Can’t Touch This, which grants invulnerability when casting ultimate. But of course, this is a very rare augment as it is in the shiny tier.
Symphony of War is also great, which grants Vayne Lethal Tempo and Conqueror runes.
Brown Tier
- Best: Outlaw’s Grit, Scoped Weapons,
- Good: Firebrand, Lighting Strikes, Vengeance, Banner of Command
For the brown tier augments, Outlaw’s Grit is one of the best ones to try and acquire. Here is the augment description: “After using a dash, leap, blink, or teleport Ability you gain 15 Armor and Magic Resist. This stacks up to 5 times.”
Since Vayne’s tumble counts as a dash, she can stack an insane amount of armor and magic resist in a short period of time. And stack that on top of the tank items mentioned before, alongside the boots, Vayne becomes quite unkillable. Since she’s also super fast to begin with, thereby hard to hit, all Vayne has to do is stay alive and abuse Guinsoo’s alongside her W passive to shred through the enemy.
Scoped Weapons is another great augment to get in Vayne. It eliminates one of her greatest weaknesses: short range. This thereby allows her to keep her distance to rather absurd degrees, and kite down the enemy with ease.
Grey Tier
- Best: Light ’em Up!, Inferno Soul,
- Good: Deft, Fallen Aegis, Buff Buddies, Shadow Runner
Light ’em Up! is definitely the best Grey tier augment for Vayne. “Every 4th Attack deals additional magic damage.” This stacks perfectly with Vayne’s play style, which relies on hitting as many times as possible, and synergizes with Guinsoo’s Rageblade.
Inferno Soul is also great, since it increases Vayne’s base damage. This works wonders when opting for a very tanky build, since it provides the damage output that the items simply do not.
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